
traders psychology


In the previous part of the article, we started discussing the common mistakes of traders and poker players. To remind you, both trading and gambling require similar things in terms of psychology. The participants should always stay in control of their emotions and objectively evaluate the process and the results, strictly following the strategy that is planned in advance. In this case, traders and poker players should be masters in managing their own emotions to…

Have you ever admired at least in movies how the poker players act? In cold blood, rationally and with no hesitations. Like it helps in poker, similarly, it does in investing and trading. Wanna be the same in trading? Then learn some rules from successful poker players and apply them in trading! The idea is that some poker experience may help you to reveal your emotional traps, which destroy your strategy and, therefore, your investing and…

Trading appears to be an appealing way of earning, doesn’t it? In plenty of articles, efficient trading strategies are described, along with all opportunities to get solid profits being even a part-time trader. And these statements are quite reasonable: you just need to identify a trend on a chart, jump on this train and let the profit flow. There is no need to monitor the price of the coin every minute. That is why it…

Any trader loses sometimes, be it a newbie or a professional one. That’s just an ironclad rule to understand if you are aimed to earn in the market. But various traders lose in different ways. The reasons for professional traders to lose is really a fascinating issue as these traders are already great market analysts, have a deep understanding of the market and implement a wide range of the strategies they have already tested, while…